Here’s how to bring the fun of Pac-Man to life at your event. Supplies Needed:
Pool noodles
Two baskets or containers
A sheet or costume for the "Ghost"
A spacious room or outdoor area
Create a maze on the floor using tape. Make sure the lanes are wide enough for players to move through comfortably. Mark two spots on the edges as entrance and exit points.
Place a basket or container at each exit point.
Cut the pool noodles into small pieces to represent the pieces that Pac-Man will collect along the way. You can also use coins or other round objects, but pool noodles are the perfect size.
Assign two people to be the Ghosts. It’s best if a leader takes on this role. Dress them in white sheets or any other ghostly costume you like.
Game Rules:
There are 1 Pac-Man and 2 Ghosts in the maze at a time.
Pac-Man can move in any direction and change direction anytime as long as they stay within the maze's lines.
Ghosts can only move forward unless they reach a dead end, where they can turn around.
Ghosts must maintain a consistent speed. For added fun, have them make beeping sounds while they move.
Pac-Man can drop the pieces they collect into their "bank" at one of the exits. Once they do this, they can re-enter the maze and continue collecting pieces.
If a Ghost catches a Pac-Man, the Pac-Man loses a life and must drop all the pieces they have collected.
How to Win / Game End:
The Ghosts win if Pac-Man loses all their lives (you can decide how many lives each Pac-Man has).
Pac-Man wins if they collect all the pieces before losing all their lives.
Keeping Score:
If you want to play multiple rounds (like a tournament) or rank players, you can keep track of how many pieces each Pac-Man collects at the end of each round. This will be their score for that game.